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Name: | Transference |
Alternate Name: | Transference 2015 |
Year of Release: | 2015 |
Author: | Michael Moreci |
Views: | 2805 |
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Colton Moss and his elite team of special agents run counter-terrorism operations utilizing a secret form of time travel technology called transference, which enables them to send their consciousnesses back in time -- but, when Colton''s past is altered to reshape his life in the present, he discovers this technology isn''t as exclusive as he thought. Now Colton must prevent a large-scale insurgency in the U.S. -- and do so in the transference-past, where a terrorist''s consciousness could be in any body, so everybody is a potential suspect. Fresh off the white-hot ROCHE LIMIT and a string of highly regarded genre books, Moreci''s sci-action thriller mixes smart storytelling with intriguing twists while Salas'' sharp and stylish renderings portray a range of eras as well as characters that may be lurking below the surface... much farther down than skin deep.