Superman Unchained (2013)

Superman Unchained (2013)

Superman Unchained (2013)
Name: Superman Unchained (2013)
Alternate Name: Superman Unchained (2013) 2015
Year of Release: 2015
Author: Scott Snyder
Views: 28181
Average 5.00/5 out of 1 total votes.

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When thirteen satellites fall from the sky in one day, the logical suspect is Lex Luthor—even though he''s still locked up in prison! But a stranger question remains: If Superman didn''t stop the last satellite from falling, who did? There''s a mystery hidden where even Superman can''t see it—Can The Man of Steel drag a decades-old secret into the light? Don''t miss the debut of this red-hot new series from two of comics'' brightest superstars: SCOTT SNYDER and JIM LEE!

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