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Read Secret Avengers (2014) Comic Online
Great balance of action, story, characterization, liked the seemingly crazy teammember combo, and the humor was great to top it off. Artwork fit the tone too. Been told it has similarities to the hawkeye comic, I guess I need to read that one now. Speaking of hawkeye, lolz at him ending up on a team with two ex-girlfriends on it....
Secret Avengers (2014) List
- Issue #16 05/12/2021
- Issue #15 05/12/2021
- Issue #14 05/12/2021
- Issue #13 05/12/2021
- Issue #12 05/12/2021
- Issue #11 05/12/2021
- Issue #10 05/12/2021
- Issue #9 05/12/2021
- Issue #8 05/12/2021
- Issue #7 05/12/2021
- Issue #6 05/12/2021
- Issue #5 05/12/2021
- Issue #4 05/12/2021
- Issue #3 05/12/2021
- Issue #2 05/12/2021
- Issue #1 05/12/2021
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