New X-Men (2004)

New X-Men (2004)

New X-Men (2004)
Name: New X-Men (2004)
Alternate Name: New X-Men (2004) 2008
Year of Release: 2008
Author: Nunzio DeFilippis
Views: 136519
Average 4.50/5 out of 2 total votes.

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The children at the X-Mansion thought they had it tough when Professor X was running things - but now that Cyclops and Emma Frost have taken over the reins of the school, they''re wishing for the simpler times of yesterday! As a new semester begins at the Xavier Institute, the X-Men-in-training are just getting comfortable with one another as the devastating news hits: The teachers plan to separate them into different squads! What happens when best friends are torn from one another in the name of school policy? And what do the New X-Men do about it?

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