Foxfire (1992)

Foxfire (1992)

Foxfire (1992)
Name: Foxfire (1992)
Alternate Name: Foxfire (1992) 1992
Year of Release: 1992
Author: Barry Blair
Views: 1667
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Enter Middle Kingdom, the world of the Faerie. As human society grew and expanded throughout the planet, the ''wee folk'' seemed to fade and disappear. But they didn''t. Unknown to mankind, these other-world worldly beings chose to blend in with all the artifacts of concrete and steel, of video games and power lunches. Yet when one were-fox tries to hide from the world, evil begins to infiltrate his tranquil home, the horror that is Mr. Black begins to force the were-fox to choose between neutrality or aligning with the Seelie Court and a war with the evil Host.

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