Doctor Tomorrow (1997)

Doctor Tomorrow (1997)

Doctor Tomorrow (1997)
Name: Doctor Tomorrow (1997)
Alternate Name: Doctor Tomorrow (1997) 1998
Year of Release: 1998
Author: Bob Layton
Views: 10538
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The life of a hero…six decades in the making. Shortly after the United States'' entry into WW II the young Bart Simms, heir to an industrial fortune, makes a discovery that will change his life forever and the course of history along with it. A cache of mysterious electronic equipment hidden within his father''s factory, within it a fully loaded state-of-the art computer manufactured by Angel Computers… in 1998! Loaded with schematics for technology not yet invented and records of events not yet happened, Bart sees this as his opportunity to aid the Allied war effort. Armed with weapons from the future he becomes Doctor Tomorrow, a self-proclaimed time traveler journeyed back in time to ensure history keeps to its proper course.

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