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Read Deadpool MAX Comic Online
How do Deadpool and Bob, the two most wanted terrorists in the world, spend their holiday break? By faking their own deaths, breaking into CIA headquarters, hunting down internet-porn-peddling jihadists and causing a riot in an insane asylum, of course!
Deadpool MAX List
- Issue #12 05/23/2021
- Issue #11 05/23/2021
- Issue #10 05/23/2021
- Issue #9 05/23/2021
- Issue #8 05/23/2021
- Issue #7 05/23/2021
- Issue #6 05/23/2021
- Issue #5 05/23/2021
- Issue #4 05/23/2021
- Issue #3 05/23/2021
- Issue #2 05/23/2021
- Issue #1 05/23/2021
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